Richardson City Council Meeting April 10th, 2023
All councilmembers are present as well as City Manager Don Magner and City Secretary Aimee Nemer.
Councilwoman Justice leads a prayer and the pledges.
Minutes of previous meetings are approved unanimously.
No public speakers are present.
Mayor Voelker recognizes Animal Care & Control Appreciation Week. Animal Services Manager Noura Jammal gives an overview of the department’s accomplishments over the past year.
Next, the city recognizes the winners of the MLK Jr. essay and Black History Month art contests.
The first action items are a pair of public hearings on adopting standards of care for early child development and youth parks & rec programs. Day Camp Coordinator Margie Trame gives the presentation. Council unanimously approves both ordinances adopting the standards of care.
There are two more public hearings on zoning files. The first is on ZF 23-04, a request for a planned development and special permit for a dog daycare and kennel at 2100 Alamo Rd. This was also discussed in the March 21st CPC meeting. Councilman Dubey asks about separate areas for large and small dogs. The applicant confirms that there will be separate areas. Councilman Shamsul asks if the facility will be staffed overnight since they also board. The applicant answers that they will not be staffed overnight in order to not disturb the dogs’ sleep. Management will have access to camera systems to monitor the facility. Council approves the request unanimously.
The final public hearing of the evening is on ZF 23-05, a request for a special permit for a massage establishment at 210 E. Spring Valley Rd. This was also discussed in the March 21st CPC meeting. Chief Tittle is present at this hearing in case questions arise about the safety of the area, likely because of concerns raised at the CPC meeting. Council asks about methods to ensure that there is no connection to the former establishment, which was found to be participating in illegal activity. Chief Tittle assures council that they have thoroughly investigated the issue and no connection was found. Councilman Dubey asks staff about the citizenship of the applicant. He references issues with human trafficking as a reason for the question. Staff suggests that the question should be posed to the applicant. Councilman Dubey does not ask the question again. Mayor Voelker asks about the timeline of operations for the previous establishment. After some confusion, the timeline is clarified amongst staff. They verify that it has been more than six months since the previous establishment ceased operations and the current applicant is pursuing the appropriate process. Councilman Corcoran asks about the vision for the surrounding sub-district. Mayor Voelker answers that, while they envision some redevelopment for the area, it is also important to respect the current landowner’s rights to operate in the meantime. Council approves the request unanimously.
The consent agenda is also approved unanimously.
Council highlights the various Ramadan dinners and other events they attended over the past week.
Council then moves into closed session to discuss economic development negotiations and commercial development near Main St. & U.S. 75. Council does not return from closed session.