Richardson City Council Meeting March 27th, 2023
All councilmembers are present as well as City Manager Don Magner and City Secretary Aimee Nemer.
Councilman Dubey leads a prayer and the pledges.
Minutes of previous meetings are approved unanimously.
One public speaker, Place 3 city council candidate Dan Barrios, recalls a recent ride along he participated in with the Richardson police department. He describes an issue he noticed on that ride along. There doesn’t appear to be any citywide protocol for easy access to apartment complexes for police. On his ride along, they responded to a call at an apartment complex and struggled with finding the entry code since the complex had changed the code several times over the past few months. City Manager Don Magner states that Chief Tittle is aware of the issue and is exploring strategies with apartment managers.
The first item is a discussion on voting center locations and information for the May 6th election. City Secretary Aimee Nemer presents. First Baptist Church Richardson at 1001 N Central Expwy will serve as an early voting location for both Dallas and Collin counties. Voting will take place in the northernmost building on the property, the Activity Center. The other new Dallas County location will be the Islamic Association of North Texas at 840 Abrams Rd. Secretary Nemer states that all other voting centers will be at the standard locations that have been used. Early voting begins April 24th and ends May 2nd. Times will be 8 am – 5 pm for April 24th – April 29th. Only Dallas County will be open for voting on Sunday, April 30th from 12 pm – 6 pm. Both counties will resume early voting May 1st – May 2nd from 7 am – 7 pm. Voting Day is May 6th from 7 am – 7 pm. Something interesting to note is that private entities, meaning buildings not owned or operated by the city, may regulate electioneering and political signs on their property.
Next, council appoints new members to the City Plan Commission, Library Board, Sign Control Board, and Zoning Board/Building & Standards Commission. Nate Roberts gets his promotion from alternate to regular City Plan Commissioner. The newest City Plan Commissioners are Sebrena Bohnsack and Byron Purdy (alternate). Sebrena is an HR professional who has served on other city boards such as the Sign Control Board and Zoning Board. She is also a member of Leadership Richardson Class 30. Byron is a business management and talent acquisition professional. He is also a member of Leadership Richardson Class 38.
Up next is the first public hearing of the evening for ZF 23-02, a request for outdoor amenities at La Mirada Apartments located in the West Spring Valley Corridor Planned Development. Most of these amenities already exist but are considered nonconforming until approved by council. This is also covered in notes from the March 7th CPC meeting. After discussing future plans for the property, council approves the request unanimously.
The last public hearing is on ZF 23-03, a request for a special permit for Galen Nursing School at 1301 W. Pres. George Bush Highway. This is also covered in notes from the March 7th CPC meeting. After a presentation from the applicant and a discussion on operating hours, council approves the special permit unanimously.
The consent agenda is also approved unanimously. Included are two ordinances codifying past zoning requests. Several bids are approved: $230k for police vehicle equipment, $290k for the Berkner Park project to be completed this July, $60k for fire hydrants, $1 million for furniture for the temporary city hall location, $150k to gut city hall, a $1.4 million annual requirements contract for fuel, and $130k for new cabinets at Fire Station #6. The final consent agenda item is a savings of $230k on the Beck Branch Erosion Control project.
Council highlights various events attended throughout the week, and the meeting adjourns.