Richardson City Council Work Session February 20th, 2023
All councilmembers are present as well as City Manager Don Magner and City Secretary Aimee Nemer.
One public comment card is received asking for the city to consider turning an undeveloped lot in the Cityline neighborhood into an official dog park.
The first item is recognition of RPD’s Negotiations Unit and their first-place award at a recent competition.
Next is the presentation of the final draft of the update to the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan. This plan includes an inventory of all parks in Richardson. It also provides information on all the recreation programs the city offers as well as priority rankings for new amenities/programs based on citizen survey respondents, Parks & Rec commission, staff, and the consulting firm’s input. Priorities include expanding trail connections, master-planning the aquatics facilities, and adding more inclusive features at playgrounds. Councilman Corcoran asks about the cost of maintaining a high-quality parks system. Staff answers that Richardson citizens expect a very high-quality parks system and that directly correlates with the higher cost. No operational inefficiencies were discovered. Councilman Corcoran emphasizes that he is okay with the budget impact if it improves access to all. Councilman Shamsul asks about plans to mitigate erosion at parks that border creeks. City Manager Don Magner answers that the city is currently updating the Stormwater Master Plan and will coordinate with the Parks & Rec department to come up with solutions. Councilman Shamsul also reminds the council and staff that this will likely be an interagency effort with the new regulations that came with the population growth.
Next is an update on the proposed new playground at Breckinridge Park. This playground will have a focus on inclusivity and accessibility. Some of the accessibility features include ramps to play structures and a smooth wheelchair-accessible play surface. The city plans to open the park later this year.
Richardson Fire Chief Curtis Poovey presents the fire department’s annual report. Unlike the police department, the fire department reports no staffing issues. Some positions are even overfilled. Morale has improved with the implementation of a 48-hr-on/96-hr-off schedule. Chief Poovey highlights the department’s focus on mental health. One of the strategies that came out of the recent Access + Inclusion Event is a mandated annual mental health wellness check for all department members. An in-house psychologist will conduct the wellness checks. This is a strategy that Chief Poovey hopes to implement next year. (JN: This is a strategy I think the police department should adopt as well. A mentally healthier police force makes healthier policing decisions. This should correlate with an increase in the safety and well-being of citizens and those who interact with the police.) The council commends and supports the department’s increased focus on mental health.
Finance Director Keith Dagen presents the plan for the series 2023 debt sale. The city plans to issue $48 million in 20-yr general obligation bonds and $53 million in 8-yr, 15-yr, and 20-yr certificates of obligation. The council will act in April to approve the sale. Due to market turmoil, instead of approving the date of the sale, council will approve the ideal parameters for the city manager and staff to complete the bond sale.
Budget Officer Bob Clymire presents the FY 22/23 first quarter financial report. All funds are performing as expected.
Council highlights the fire department’s banquet and a recent performance by the community band which included a commissioned piece dedicated to Richardson entitled Ties and Traces by David Lovrien. Councilman Dubey highlights his visit to a soccer center and encourages the public to visit the place. (JN: This place is also highlighted on his Facebook campaign for Mayor page. The business put up signs supporting his bid for mayor. I don’t like the ethics of mentioning and encouraging the public to give business to the facility at a public meeting after they agreed to publicly endorse his campaign for mayor, so the business shall remain unnamed in this report.)
Meeting adjourned.