Richardson City Council Work Session July 17th, 2023
Six of the seven councilmembers are present as well as City Manager Don Magner and City Secretary Aimee Nemer. Councilman Corcoran is absent.
No public speakers are present.
The first item is the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for FY 2021/22. Kevin Smith, a representative from Crowe LLP, presents. Kevin reports that an “unmodified opinion with no issues noted” has been issued for the city’s financial statements and for use of federal funds. This is the highest level of assurance that can be provided. He then explains that, while no adjustments were necessary to recorded financial statements, they did note two items that were brought to the attention of staff relating to internal controls. He does not describe what the issues are. He then concludes his presentation in about two minutes and opens the floor for questions about the audit. No one asks any questions. Mayor Dubey explains that, due to difficulties meeting a quorum at the scheduled meeting, Councilman Dorian served as temporary chairman of the Audit Committee. Councilman Dorian states that they covered questions in the joint meeting earlier that afternoon. He refers to two areas of deficiency, and states they were covered in the earlier meeting. Mayor Dubey describes the meeting as having gone well. He cites staffing shortages and emergency scenarios (city hall fire) as explanations for any areas of deficiency. He states that the city now has a full accounting staff hired.
The next item is recognition of National Parks and Recreation Month. Asst. Director Yvonne Falgout presents. She highlights the responsibilities of each department and recognizes staff members. The city is hosting various activities for the community to recognize National Parks & Rec Month, one of which is a “dive-in” movie at Heights Aquatic Center on Friday July 21st. Council thanks Parks & Rec staff for all the work they do, and a proclamation is presented.
The next discussion is on Parks and Recreation maintenance strategies. Asst. Director Shohn Rodgers presents. He gives an overview of each department’s role and assets. As other departments are also experiencing, cost for materials has escalated. Shohn then provides an overview of planned parks maintenance projects. Councilman Dorian asks about one of the projects to convert the pond at Fire Station 5 into a bioswale. This process will utilize native landscaping to help diffuse stormwater runoff.
The next discussion is on the IT Work Plan. CIO Dan Steege presents. He provides an overview of assets and cybersecurity enhancements. Due to a state directive, access to TikTok has been blocked on city systems. The department will also see an increase in expenses due to implementation of new systems. These costs should level out in future budgets.
The final discussion is on Drainage Utility Program strategies. Engineering Director Jim Dulac presents. Jim highlights erosion, flood, and pollution mitigation projects. Mayor Pro Tem Shamsul asks about future funding strategies to combat rising costs. City Manager Don Magner answers that new requirements due to the population increase could impact funding. It will take a year or two to understand exactly what that impact will be. Don also states that the city may pursue more bond program funding for drainage projects going forward.
Council highlights the recent Chamber of Commerce Nonprofit Fair, and the meeting adjourns.