Richardson City Plan Commission Meeting July 16th, 2024
Three of the seven regular commissioners are present, Vice-Chair Southard, Commissioner Roberts, and Commissioner Beach. Both alternates, Byron Purdy and Rebecca Poynter, are also present and will participate. Chair Marsh, Commissioner Costantino, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Bohnsack are absent. Vice-Chair Southard will be in charge of this meeting.
Vice-Chair Southard notes that there were two corrections to the July 2nd minutes. These amended minutes are approved unanimously.
Two public hearings are on tonight’s agenda. The first is on ZF 24-15, a special permit request for Good Shepherd of North Texas childcare center at 1006 Hampshire Ln. Staff provides a background of the request. No correspondence has been received regarding the request. The applicant steps forward to present their request. Commissioners ask questions that are already answered in the agenda packet. This time, Commissioner Purdy asks about the robots. He asks how the applicant will handle autonomous vehicles dropping off children. The applicant laughs at the ridiculous question and answers that they are not going in that direction. After closing the public hearing, the city plan commissioners offer comments regarding their own parental experience. No comments are made regarding land use. The CPC unanimously recommends approval.
The second public hearing is on ZF 24-16, a special permit request for Clay Cooley VW to operate a body shop, vehicle storage lot, and repair shop at the area of N. Interurban/Jackson St. This area is part of the Interurban Subdistrict of the Main St/Central Expy planned development. As a reminder, the vision for the Interurban subdistrict is to create a vibrant, mixed-use district at the heart of the City which focuses on supporting infill development to create an “address” in the region via a pedestrian-oriented, more walkable environment.
Staff provides a background of the request. No correspondence has been received regarding the request. Commissioner Beach asks if the site has operated as some sort of automotive facility for the past 25 years. Staff confirms this is the case. The applicant steps forward to present their request. The applicant explains that they have recently purchased two other car dealerships, so they need room to expand their repair services and relocate their accounting department. The commissioners ask questions clarifying how many cars will fit and how many staff will be employed. Commissioner Beach asks if there are any plans to improve the façade of buildings with a mural. The applicant states that a mural was not approved by VW corporate. With no speakers present, the public hearing is closed. Commissioner Poynter asks something but her microphone isn’t on. So, we unfortunately have no idea what was said. It sounds related to an existing fence.
Commissioner Roberts makes a motion to close the public hearing that’s already been closed. He then makes a motion “to accept the recommendation on this file”. The CPC unanimously approves this motion. Remarkably, not a single question or comment on the vision for this subdistrict was spoken.
In fact, this meeting of your City Plan Commission was adjourned without a single land use question asked during the entire meeting. Meeting adjourned. Someone, anyone, please apply to serve on the City Plan Commission!