Richardson City Plan Commission Meeting October 17th, 2023
All seven commissioners and both alternates are present, likely due to the work session item on the Community Revitalization Awards Program. Chairman Marsh states that he will need to recuse himself from the public hearing in this meeting. He states that he will appoint alternate Commissioner Beach to vote on the item. He does not state why he needs to recuse himself.
Minutes of the previous meeting are approved unanimously.
Chairman Marsh recuses himself and Vice-Chair Southard assumes control of the meeting. (The audio is low for this meeting, so I’m doing my best to make out what I can.)
The only item on the agenda is a public hearing on ZF 23-12, a special permit and planned development request for Naturich, a beauty products manufacturing facility, at the corner of Research Dr. and Telecom Pkwy. This site was previously approved for a manufacturing facility, but the permit expired after the site was not developed. One letter was received in opposition to the request. Commissioner Beach asks about the handling of the materials being manufactured. The applicant steps forward to present their plans. He explains that they receive powdered and liquid-extract forms of raw material. The applicant explains that they are FDA-approved and USDA and Natural Product certified. He also explains they do a lot of business with Whole Foods and the products are mostly biodegradable. Commissioner Roberts asks how much waste would be produced from manufacturing. The applicant answers that little to no waste will be produced. He also states they have a recycling program. One public speaker, a neighboring property owner, is present to speak in opposition to the request. He expresses concerns about setbacks and access lanes in relation to his property. He states that these factors could lead to his property value lowering. The request is approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.