Richardson City Plan Commission Meeting September 3rd, 2024
All seven of the regular commissioners are present. (Hooray!) One alternate, Rebecca Poynter, is also present and will participate in discussions but will not vote.
August minutes are unanimously approved with some amendments.
The consent agenda includes a replat of the Palisades development to change easement dedications to make way for the future development of a charter school. Specifically, it looks like this is making way for a BASIS Texas Charter School. (BASIS has had its share of eyebrow-raising controversies. This is concerning to me and should be concerning to you as well.) The consent agenda also includes a preliminary plat for the approved 88 townhome development, Park Hollow Townhomes. This was ZF 24-06, approved back in June. The CPC unanimously approves the consent agenda. (The agenda packet indicates that the CPC has final action on these items, so Council will not have a chance to consider the plat or replat for the charter school.)
Two public hearings are scheduled. The first is for ZF 24-19, a special permit request for Banyan Hypnosis training center at 275 W. Campbell Rd. This is an existing hypnosis training center in the same building. Their original special permit approval in 2019 was tied to a specific suite. They are now seeking to relocate within the building to a smaller suite. This request would now tie their special permit to the building, not a specific suite. So, if they relocate within the building in the future, they won’t need to pursue this zoning process again.
Staff presents a background of the request. The applicant steps forward to present their request. The applicant notes that his is the only licensed school for hypnotherapy in the state. No speakers are present for this hearing. The CPC unanimously recommends approval of the request.
The last public hearing of the evening is on ZF 24-20, a special permit for Clawzania Arcade at 1310 E. Belt Line Rd. This proposed arcade would feature claw-machine games that award toys and prizes geared toward kids. Staff presents a background of the request. No food or alcohol will be served. No slot machines would be permitted.
The applicant steps forward to present their request. This applicant also owns BB.Q Chicken. The applicant also notes that he would like to franchise this concept. The applicant is considering putting an Asian drink vending machine in the arcade. No speakers are present for this hearing. The CPC unanimously recommends approval of the request. Meeting adjourned.