Richardson City Plan Commission Meeting February 7th, 2023
Four of the seven regular commissioners are present, Chairman Marsh, Commissioner Southard, Commissioner Costantino, and Commissioner LaCour. Alternates Nate Roberts and Gary Beach are also present and will participate. Vice-Chair Springs, Commissioner Walraven, and Commissioner Keller are absent.
Minutes of the previous meeting are approved unanimously.
The only item on the agenda is a public hearing on ZF 22-18, a request to rezone 4.5 acres at Arapaho & W. Shore Dr. to allow the development of 31 single-family residential lots. This request was brought before city council previously, but the developer voluntarily withdrew the request to address issues raised about parking. The developer is requesting amended development standards to allow smaller lot sizes. The current development standards call for a minimum lot size of 8,000 sq. ft. This development is proposing a minimum lot size of 2,000 sq. ft. As such, accessory buildings would also be prohibited given the size of the lot. This proposal also offers a resolution to the aforementioned parking issues. If approved, the city would create a median opening on Arapaho. The applicant states that the expected price of these homes is around $800k.
One public speaker supports the proposal and thanks the developer for listening to the community and making changes. A second speaker opposes the development due to the possibility of added runoff into the local creek causing flooding. A third speaker is neutral but expresses concerns about traffic visibility while exiting the property. Commissioner Roberts and Commissioner Costantino also commend the applicant for revising the plan to address community concerns. Commissioner Beach urges the applicant to consider short-term rental restrictions in the new HOA’s bylaws. The CPC votes unanimously to recommend approval, and the meeting adjourns.