Richardson City Plan Commission Meeting April 4th, 2023
Six of the seven regular commissioners are present: Chairman Marsh, Vice-Chair Southard, Commissioner Walraven, Commissioner Keller, (newly promoted) Commissioner Roberts, and (newly appointed) Commissioner Bohnsack. Both alternates, Gary Beach and (newly appointed) Byron Purdy, are also present and will alternate participation in voting on agenda items. Commissioner Costantino is absent.
Minutes of the previous meeting are adopted unanimously.
The consent agenda passes unanimously. It includes approval of a replat for an approximately 16-acre site located at the northeast corner of Glenville and Lookout.
The only discussion item is a public hearing on ZF 23-01, a special development plan and special permit for a five-story apartment building and parking garage at 1001 S. Sherman St. Reduced parking requirements, modified unit entries, and modified open space requirements are the requested deviations. Chairman Marsh asks about the ingress/egress routes for the parking garage, since it appears to connect to a lane on the property to the north (Sherman Lofts). He expresses concern over potential conflict arising between the property owners if vehicles from the southern property use the access to cut across the northern property. Staff explains that the northern property’s lane is intended as emergency access. The applicant answers that they are still working out an agreement with the neighboring property owner to consider placing bollards that would still allow emergency access. No public speakers are present. The CPC votes unanimously to recommend approval, and the meeting adjourns.
Though it wasn’t discussed in the public hearing, the staff report indicates that this development may have an impact on the near-capacity wastewater infrastructure. The report also indicates that an additional protected-only left turn lane will need to be constructed on northbound Sherman at Spring Valley.